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Stone age pillars replaced by modern look in Salmon Arm’s downtown

New four-sided signage in city includes city brand, nature photo, map and more

Mayor Alan Harrison voiced accolades for the Salmon Arm Economic Development Society recently, including its latest project, the city’s new pillars.

At council’s April 11 meeting, Harrison noted he had attended the society’s AGM that morning.

He said the city contributes about $315,000 per year to EDS, but the funding formula has changed considerably over the years. When the city first agreed to funding the organization in 2015, it contributed about $270,000. The city was the sole funder at that time, he said.

Now EDS is about a $1.2 million operation, to which the city contributes 25 per cent.

“That diversification for economic development is quite impressive,” he said, adding that volunteers make it impressive, referring to the board.

He said Dawn Dunlop and Chad Shipmaker were re-appointed to the board because their terms were up. The executive re-elected included: Bill Laird as chair, Brent Moffat as vice-chair and Cathy Ingebrigston as secretary-treasurer.

“We really appreciate those volunteers. And as you know, there’s a pretty dynamic staff over there,” Harrison said.

He also added his appreciation for the new pillar signs downtown, a recent project of EDS.

Read more: Out with the old: Four new pillars going up in downtown Salmon Arm

Read more: Finding the way around Salmon Arm to get easier for visitors, maybe residents
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Martha Wickett

About the Author: Martha Wickett

came to Salmon Arm in May of 2004 to work at the Observer. I was looking for a change from the hustle and bustle of the Lower Mainland, where I had spent more than a decade working in community newspapers.
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