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Bear sighting near Salmon Arm wharf serves as reminder

As bears search for food, residents urged to manage attractants
John G. Woods was at the Salmon Arm wharf when he saw this bear walking along the foreshore. (John G. Woods photo)

Salmon Arm’s John G. Woods said he was bird watching at the wharf Sunday when something else caught his attention.

“I took this long-distance photo at 12-noon, in the heat of the day —a surprising time and location to see a bear,” said Woods, who captured an image of a black bear crossing the mudflats, heading in the general direction of the Salmon River mouth.

A member of the Shuswap Naturalist Club, Woods said the sighting serves as a reminder to expect bears wandering almost anywhere in the Shuswap as they attempt to put on fat for the winter.

“The extreme heat and dryness this summer may make finding natural foods especially difficult for bears,” said Woods. “As always, secure storage for residential garbage and keeping yards as free as possible from fallen fruit and other potential bear foods is especially important as we head into the autumn.”

Read more: Increase in Shuswap bear sightings prompts reminder about attractants

Read more: Hibernating bear keeping cozy underneath Salmon Arm residence
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Lachlan Labere

About the Author: Lachlan Labere

Editor, Salmon Arm Observer
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